We are all who have forgotten our true Selves in order to deeply experience living in the Grand Eperiment. The time has come for us as a species to awaken and begin to understand the magnitude of what it means to be sovereign. This website is dedicated to discovering and defining our Sovereignty.


Becoming acquainted with my new book

Book Description:TRANSCENDING THE MATRIX OF THE IMPOSTER GODS: RECLAIMING THE HEART’S INTELLIGENCE (TMIG) TMIG begins with an origin myth that explores sources of our ancient history from the works of Sitchin and others. This information is corroborated and expanded upon with recently revealed fascinating revelations from the WingMakers Materials (WMM) that tells a little known…

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Greetings in 2024

As you can see, another book has been added to this website. Writing my new book Transcending the Matrix of the Imposter Gods; Reclaiming the Heart’s Intelligence was a labor of love and profound discovery. Our country was plunged down a rabbit hole of  negativity and unrest with the former administration that culminated in a…

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