We are all who have forgotten our true Selves in order to deeply experience living in the Grand Eperiment. The time has come for us as a species to awaken and begin to understand the magnitude of what it means to be sovereign. This website is dedicated to discovering and defining our Sovereignty.



Lark Batey has been a student of consciousness studies and the human condition for her entire adult life. During the early years of raising her six children, she taught parenting classes through the local community college, Lamaze preparation for childbirth and served as a La Leche League counselor.

As her children grew, her interests took her in the direction of complementary medicine and physical transformation. She became a licensed massage therapist and maintained a private practice for about 17 years.

During those years in private practice she developed and facilitated classes in yoga, tai chi, homeopathy and personal growth. She also began to learn about archetypes through Tarot and the works of Marianne Woodman and other authors in Jungian psychology and earned a B.A. in human relations.

Ms. Batey’s interests continued to expand. She attended approximately 30 spiritual psychology seminars and intensives given by Lazaris of Concept: Synergy; completed three years of teacher training in spiritual studies facilitated by Leslie Temple-Thurston of Corelight; and has taken all four levels of Matrix Energetics taught by Dr. Richard Bartlett.

Ms. Batey has also worked in the social work field as a social worker in children’s services, a foster parent trainer and an adoptions specialist.  She lives in Nebraska with her husband.

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