We are all who have forgotten our true Selves in order to deeply experience living in the Grand Eperiment. The time has come for us as a species to awaken and begin to understand the magnitude of what it means to be sovereign. This website is dedicated to discovering and defining our Sovereignty.


Hit Over the Head with a Slightly Different Perspective On Trump

There are many in this country who struggle with the Trump presidency and I include myself in that group. I recently had a powerful insight and I am throwing a lesson I learned into our collective ring in hopes of jump starting a meaningful conversation. I love the book Quantusum[1] by James Mahu, a 700…

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Bully Archetype, Glass Ceilings and the Presidential Election 2016

I haven’t been writing much on this blog as of late as most of my spare time has been writing the revision of my book, Breaking Free of the Tyranny of Beliefs. I am not sure yet whether this revision will become a a new book or whether it will be a revised edition of…

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