We are all who have forgotten our true Selves in order to deeply experience living in the Grand Eperiment. The time has come for us as a species to awaken and begin to understand the magnitude of what it means to be sovereign. This website is dedicated to discovering and defining our Sovereignty.


July 27, 2015 interview with Patricia Raskin for VoiceAmerica

http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/86671/moving-past-trauma-a-revolution-in-consciousness LIsten to my interview with Patricia Raskin of VoiceAmerica Click on the link and it will take you to the episode directory. For the July 27th program you have the option of listening to the entire program or clicking on the second link A Revolution in Consciousness which is my interview. Patricia interviews me…

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I was shown a sketchy map in my adolescence, a discovery of ancient lies.   I resented the knowing as it set me apart from others my age and took away my delight in the holidays and celebrations that others believed and participated in. This map became my nemesis, my companion, the blue print of my…

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