Book Description:TRANSCENDING THE MATRIX OF THE IMPOSTER GODS: RECLAIMING THE HEART’S INTELLIGENCE (TMIG) TMIG begins with an origin myth that explores sources of our ancient history from the works of Sitchin and others. This information is corroborated and expanded upon with recently revealed fascinating revelations from the WingMakers Materials (WMM) that tells a little known…
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As you can see, another book has been added to this website. Writing my new book Transcending the Matrix of the Imposter Gods; Reclaiming the Heart’s Intelligence was a labor of love and profound discovery. Our country was plunged down a rabbit hole of negativity and unrest with the former administration that culminated in a…
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There are many in this country who struggle with the Trump presidency and I include myself in that group. I recently had a powerful insight and I am throwing a lesson I learned into our collective ring in hopes of jump starting a meaningful conversation. I love the book Quantusum[1] by James Mahu, a 700…
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I haven’t been writing much on this blog as of late as most of my spare time has been writing the revision of my book, Breaking Free of the Tyranny of Beliefs. I am not sure yet whether this revision will become a a new book or whether it will be a revised edition of…
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STIRRINGS-poem on power point
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What if WE have been duped and manipulated and lied to about most things we think we know? WHAT IF we have been led to believe that there is something better beyond this world and it is really all right here hidden under an overlay of deception? We have been led to believe that…
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This morning I began my writing session by wandering through some of my notes from a distant past—the 1990’s—doesn’t seem so distant but in 2015 if I do the math 1996-1997 is almost 20 years ago.. Where does the time go? If all is the NOW and time is just an illusion to separate experiences…
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This blog post will illustrate an Event String I experienced that provided me with a profound life changing insight. It also illustrated to me an example of how an event string works. An event string essentially is a series of experiences that link together and bring a person to a deeper understanding or to…
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As a Sovereign Explorer I think that it is important to question many things we take for granted. How valid are the beliefs that were developed to control us spiritually; create separation and polarizing division; set race disrespecting race, male and female disrespecting each other; the strong disrespecting the weak, the rich disrespecting the…
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