We are all who have forgotten our true Selves in order to deeply experience living in the Grand Eperiment. The time has come for us as a species to awaken and begin to understand the magnitude of what it means to be sovereign. This website is dedicated to discovering and defining our Sovereignty.


Hit Over the Head with a Slightly Different Perspective On Trump

There are many in this country who struggle with the Trump presidency and I include myself in that group. I recently had a powerful insight and I am throwing a lesson I learned into our collective ring in hopes of jump starting a meaningful conversation. I love the book Quantusum[1] by James Mahu, a 700…

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Stirrings–A Poem

STIRRINGS-poem on power point

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  What if WE have been duped and manipulated and lied to about most things we think we know? WHAT IF we have been led to believe that there is something better beyond this world and it is really all right here hidden under an overlay of deception?   We have been led to believe that…

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A Synthesis–Past Event Strings-Present Epiphanies

This morning I began my writing session by wandering through some of my notes from a distant past—the 1990’s—doesn’t seem so distant but in 2015 if I do the math 1996-1997 is almost 20 years ago.. Where does the time go? If all is the NOW and time is just an illusion to separate experiences…

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Unraveling the Mystery

  As a Sovereign Explorer I think that it is important to question many things we take for granted. How valid are the beliefs that were developed to control us spiritually; create separation and polarizing division; set race disrespecting race, male and female disrespecting each other; the strong disrespecting the weak, the rich disrespecting the…

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Early in my journey of discover  I found Builders of the Adytum and took a course in Tarot from them. It was very compelling. I was sent a deck of large cards of the major Arcana to color. The coloring–with specific colors- was to help one get in touch with the meaning of each symbol…

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I was shown a sketchy map in my adolescence, a discovery of ancient lies.   I resented the knowing as it set me apart from others my age and took away my delight in the holidays and celebrations that others believed and participated in. This map became my nemesis, my companion, the blue print of my…

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